Day 279/365 Winning Streak
13 years ago
Some friends of mine decided to do 365 day photographic blogs of their towns (cities, counties, areas, whatever). I thought it sounded fun so I decided to join in. My "365 Days In" features The Dry Side of La Plata County Colorado.
it's ferdinand the bull, sniffing les fleurs! I love this shot! you really have these handsome guys around you??
The bull and the daisy together made me smile! Great shot!!
Okay, I give -- what's a fence out law? All we have are dairy cows, and the brama bulls they use for the rodeo next door. I don't think they have flowers next to them :)
Great minds think alike Bettye -
First thing I thought "FERDINAND!"
What a perfect shot!
Fence out.... well... it has to do with the law of the range and cowboys and all that stuff. Most people DO keep their livestock fenced in... they want to protect their valuable animals. The law though does not force livestock owners to fence their animals in. If you don't want the neighbor's cows/horse/goats/mules in your yard, you must fence your property to keep them out. In the case of highways, the state is responsible for the fences to keep animals off the highways, not the animal owners.
When the fire department has to cut a fence along the highway for any reason, it is the state that replaces it; not the property owner.
A couple of years ago I came upon a mule walking down the state highway. Me and another passerby got the mule into someone's yard and I was left to flap my arms to keep it off the road until the highway department showed up since the mule (and the fence he got out of) was their responsibility.
Weird law. It was brough home about four months ago when a half dozen cows came parading through my property having a good old time. Our land is only partially fenced.
Now I'll see if I got it right.
I just think it's weird that this guy, well known in the area for letting his livestock out, is so sloppy about keeping them in. These are valuable animals but cattle rustling is still a major crime.
Mmmmm yummy.... sorry but Black Angus is delic!
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