We got a bunch of apricots from our CSA this week and that is one fruit I'm not accustomed to eating out of hand. Not much else to do but make a pie!

Some friends of mine decided to do 365 day photographic blogs of their towns (cities, counties, areas, whatever). I thought it sounded fun so I decided to join in. My "365 Days In" features The Dry Side of La Plata County Colorado.
Looks really good!
Super awesome photos Robin! And the pie looks DELICIOUS! :)
apricots - hmmmm - haven't had one of those for ages! it goes on the grocery list :)
My husband just loves apricots -- I stock up when they are on sale -- right now they are 3.99 a lb, but every so often they drop to 1.49 and then he makes himself sick on apricots!
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