Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Station View

Looking to the north from the fire station I have this picturesque view of a bright orange windmill and an abandoned building.


Driving to and from work I pass some pastureland with trees along the fence-row. The trees are apricot trees and this year the fruit was luscious. We must've had just the right combination of temperatures and moisture to allow the trees to become laden with sweet, juicy fruit.

Firehouse Debris

I'm not sure what this is. It caught my eye while out walking the dogs. I thought it might be some sort of hose, but I'm not sure.

Oil Pan

This oil changing pan has been leaning against the station wall for months. I love the contrast of the tin against the red wall and the green grass.

Cabin View

Not on The Dry Side, but on a day of respite from the heat of the Dry Side. Will and I spent a weekend up at Electra Lake and this was the view out the window of "The Girls' Cabin" where we stayed. That slanted building is the old, out-of-service outhouse.